Yedion specializes exclusively in database-based websites for academic institutions in Israel
The program identifies the student, then he/she can get the following information directly from the database:
- Confirmation of student's information.
- A standard list of student's marks in Hebrew and English.
- A list of all the marks with dates and exercises.
- Weekly schedule of class.
- Weekly schedule of class list.
- A list of the exam dates and dates for submitting assignments.
- Copies of receipts.
- Payments information.
- Personal information.
- Announcements to the students – The announcements are added via the website, according to classes.
- Surveys.
- Submit a request to the school's administration through the site.
The program runs on Win 2000 and NT on IIS server.
The program provides statistics from the database.
The program uses Templates of HTML, the template can be edited by clients.
The program works directly with the database.
The purchase of "Yadion" includes:
Installation, support and maintenance for a year. The maintenance includes fixing problems, additional packages at a cheaper rates, new versions and changes to the database according to changes in Tochnot Beit Hashita. If the program crashes we guarantee to arrive within 24 hours, as well as help over the phone).
Registration Station – can only be used by clients that have Information Station.
The purpose of this document is to detail the abilities and functions of the program as for registering for courses and seminars via the Internet.
The registration to courses program is part of a package for companies that use the Internet Information Station.
The program capabilities:
The registration for courses will include the following checks:
- That the schedule is not on the same hours.
- Prerequisite to courses.
- The course is offered.
- There is room in the course.
- The student is not register already for the course.
- The student did not complete the course previously.
- The amount of courses/points available to the course.
- The amount of courses/points available to a student a year.
- Connect the course with the compulsory exercise.
- RPL course.
- A warning if different course have tests on the same dates.
If there is a failure to register a student to a course, the student will be notified and the reason for the failure will be specified.
Find a course using the program
The program lets students find courses, by using the following tools;
- Course category (seminar, exercise, etc)
- Day and hour of the course.
- Name of lecturer.
- Name of course
- Course’s code.
An English version to the consulting program:
The site is in Hebrew and English; all the site’s Hebrew capabilities are available in English.
Showing student’s schedule:
The schedule will be up to date and will include the courses the student register for immediately. This schedule is unofficial and will not affect the registration of the student. From the schedule screen it is possible to perform a search of courses according to a specific hour.
Contacting the schools administration via the site:
Students can send an enquiry at any time; the enquiry will automatically include all the relevant student’s details.
Cancellation of courses
Student can delete himself/herself from courses that he/she is registered for online. Courses that the student been registered to by using “Miclolit”, he/she will not be able to delete.
Adding options:
- Defining category of the studying program.
- The amount of point/courses needed for the studying program.
- Defining the numbers of students to participate in a program between different schools.
- Prerequisite to a course at a specific mark.
- Prerequisite to a course from a different course.
System to set student’s appointments:
Create a system to set student’s appointments according to the criteria of the different schools. The appointments can be made in a variety of orders: according to academic years, average mark, random etc.
Synchronise data between the site and Miclolit
Transfer of data from the site to the program that runs the schools and back.
A system of different lists and forms based on the database.
A design change automatically applies to all pages.
A variety of statistics are available through the program.
To contact Yedion:
Phone: 972-3-9036771
Mobile: 972-54-4355527
ידיעון בע”מ פתרונות מחשוב להשכלה הגבוהה I יצירת קשר